999 miles and about 7 cups of coffee later I have arrived in the mile high city. My little Honda was packed literally to the brim (shoes in the glove box, hangers tucked between the seat cushions, etc.) Theres something a bit daunting about having all of your worldly possessions together in one vehicle.
Along the way I stayed with my dear (and recently married!) friend Elise who now resides in Columbia, Missouri. There I got to know the amazing members of her dance company over a few Oatmeal Stouts at the Flat Branch Pub and Brewing Company.
The Amazing Dancers of the Missouri Contempory Ballet. Elise is in blue. |
The following day I ventured on to Olathe, Kansas where my friend Jake now lives and works at Garmen. When figuring out our dinner plans for the night, I asked him to bring me somewhere unique to the area, and this is where we ended up:
A BBQ joint thats 80% gas station; better known as Oklahoma Joes. And yes I may have eaten more here than Jake and his two friends combined... The remaining 9 hours of my trip were spent listening to Stieg Larsson books on tape in an attempt to stay focused, doing yoga at various rest stops and grabbing a cup of jo whenever the mood struck.
I've finally arrived in Denver and am excited for whats to come!