Saturday, October 1, 2011

Georgetown in the Fall

This Saturday I ventured off to tiny Georgetown with a couple of lovely ladies to take part in a fall photo shoot. What we got instead was tons of SNOW! But we didn't let it deter our plans, our only change was brunch at the Happy Cooker Cafe in the place of an outdoor picnic. Its moments like the ones captured here that really reaffirm my decision to make the move to Colorado. I'm meeting so many creative girls who are loving life and in the same transitional stage as I am. Making new friends and exploring tiny mountain towns is in my opinion, the perfect way to spend a Saturday!

What if our legs really were these colors? As Becca pointed out, we'd be a very diverse group of friends
Outfit Details:
Sailor dress- Thrifted and hemmed
Blue beret- Urban Outfitters
Dark purple tights- Target

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